I, as a lot of you probably already know, have been unemployed for a little over a month now, and I have not had a lot of luck in finding a new one. So to say I am a little discouraged is definitely a re statement. However, what it has given me time to do, is to sit back and think a lot about the important things in life, and decisions and situations I have made or been in over the last few years.
Some of the things I thought back on are what you could call, "recent" history in my families life I guess, because it seems like the ones I thought about are all within the last 4 years. I thought back to the last real vacation we took as a family, when we went to Kentucky, in late September of 2012, to see my wife's bother and his family. We stayed in a campground in a trailer they had we rented for a week and had a blast. Now that decision meant, that I did not go see my sister who had just gotten out of the hospital with pneumonia, but did talk to her before we went. And then the day after we got back to NC, we go to the zoo in Asheboro, only to have our daughter attacked by a 19 yr old autistic man. hen the very next day, we get the call my sister has aspirated and is on Life support, so we zoom off to Alabama, where on that following Wednesday, my sister slipped out of this realm and into the next, which had I known how sick she truly was, I would have went and seen her earlier, then went on vacation, hence not being at the zoo that day, meaning my daughter wouldn't have gotten attacked.
Fast forward to June of the very next year, 2 days before Fathers day. My youngest son asks me to go with him to Texas, to pick up his 2 oldest daughters, my oldest grandkids, and bring them back to NC for the summer. So off we go, Friday afternoon at 12 straight up. We drive 17 hours non stop, arriving at my oldest sons house at roughly 5 am NC time/4 am Texas time. Now I have 2 Grandchildren by my oldest son, whom at this time I had never met, so I was excited to say the least to see them. My mother who lives in Texas, comes over and we stay up all day visiting with my sons, and my grandkids. At 6 pm that night, my son youngest son lays down for 4 hours, and I try to sleep but not happening, and at 10 pm (Texas time/11 NC Time) that night we load up and off we go headed back this way. At 4 am roughly he asks me to take over the wheel and drive until the son comes up. I had been asleep for several hours so I said no problem and we pulled over, got a cup of truck driver sludge, switched places and off we went,cruise control set at 70 mph. When we got on the rad I saw a sign that said Tuscaloosa 22 miles, and the next thing I know we have hit a highway construction ahead/ arrow/ merge right sign and were rolling down about a 100 ft. embankment at 70 miles an hour. I know we were rolling because I woke with my head going through the side window as we rolled. My two granddaughters and my son walked away without any injuries other than seatbelt rash on my oldest Granddaughter and a small cut on the youngest foot from getting out of the truck barefoot. I spent the next 6 months out of work with a traumatic brain injury. So once again I found myself in a serious situation that was caused by my decision to hurry home. Six months later I took a job making not even half the money I had been making in Raleigh before the accident(the dealership let me go after my twelve weeks FMLA), but I felt being close to home was more important and money wasn't everything. We went from paying the bills to robbing peter to pay Paul. Fast forward 3 years and after the dealership was sold twice, I find myself unemployed again, instead of what I thought would be the dealership/job I would retire from, Why, because of my decisions.
Now I say all this to get to the meat of this message. The decisions we make today , no matter what it is, good or bad, will have a affect on our lives in profound ways. Let's look at Moses,(Exodus chapters 2:11-25 and 3:1-10) who after seeing a Hebrew slave beat, made the decision to take a life in defense of the slave. A decision which would cause him to run from his home and live in the desert, where he had no royalty, no servants, no family. He had nothing. Moses left everything he had because of a bad decision. Most of us know the story of how Moses saved the daughters of the priest of Midian from rogue shepherds, and how he was rewarded after a time with the daughter named Zipporah to be his wife. However , as we read on in Exodus, we see that God has a plan for Moses, that will lead to the freeing of the slaves. You see a man, named Moses, made a horrible decision and it cost him dearly. But God had other plans for Moses and without that bad decision being made, Moses would have never run from the pharaoh, abided in Midian, or went on the mountain of God, also known as Horeb, where God revealed himself and his plan to Moses. We know Moses went on to be a great man of God and much is recorded about him, including the fact that after all he did in Gods name, he was not allowed to see the promise land, because of his bad decision many years earlier. You see there is always a consequence for a bad decision.
Today we as a people have made many a bad decisions in our life. I wish I had been thee to see my sister the week before she passed, but not being there is a consequence of my decision and I will live with that the rest of my life. Do I know my sister was saved, no I don't know, I only know what I was told. had I went I would know. Did the wreck I had cost me the best paying job I had in my life, yes it did. Why? Because I chose to go to Texas and make it a turn and burn trip. Did Moses want to see the promise land? I a sure he did, but a bad decision made that impossible for him.
Have Bad decisions in your life caused you to miss out on something great? Have you been carrying the weight of those decisions, and allowing them to cause you to make even more bad decisions? Have you let the sin of your past, cause you to stray from the plan that of has for your life?Well I have new for you folks. It's not to late, you see some 2000 years ago, a man named Jesus Christ, who happened to be the Son of God, gave his life on a cross, (Matthew 27:32-50), so we could be free. No longer do we have to carry our sin around with us daily. No longer do we have to run away to the wilderness like Moses did. Jesus gave himself a ransom for all so that our sins could be forgiven, and we could become Heirs with him, (Romans 8:17)and live eternally in Heaven with him (John 3:14-17). Have you made that decision yet? Have you chosen to believe in Christ and ask him to forgive you of your sins? Have you asked him to be Lord of your life? If not then their is no better day than today, no better time than now. Don't wait because Jesus has told us he is coming back to take his children home (John 14:2-6), and that's a party you don't want to miss.
If you feel that God is tugging at your heart and you want to accept Christ it's very simple Just pray : "Lord I know I am a sinner, and I have done wrong, but Lord I ask that you forgive me of my sins and come into my heart and life, and become Lord of my life this day, Amen."
If you prayed that prayer, then I ask you email me at billroy2016@gmail.com, and let me know by putting My Birthday in the subject line. I will help you find a church home where you can be accepted, and taught more of the word of God, so that you may help someone as I hope this blog has helped you. God bless you and God bless all those who read this.
In Christ Service,
Brother Bill Roy
This is my sister Vickey McGuire who we lost in October of 2012. Love ya sis..........
And below is the truck I rolled a few months later.......Thankful for God's Protecting hands
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