Sunday, July 27, 2014

I hurt for many, and have many reasons for my hurt

           The last time I wrote and posted, it was about the problem that was going on with Duck Dynasty Patriarch Phil Robertson and his comments. Today I am writing this because my spirit is hurting on one side, and amazed and concerned on the other. Things have happened within the last month that have hit me like a ton of bricks and caused me many hours of sleeplessness, and many days of just utter confusion. Then we have things in the world that have caused me to think that the things I have always fought for in America, as a soldier and an individual, are being taken and torn to shambles by those who would try to move us into a new direction in this country, and the world for that matter. I also see the signs of the times that will cause the church to be disappear, allowing all ungodliness to prosper worse than it is now. You see, I, along with my spirit, are hurting and I feel like I can no longer sit by and say nothing, so forgive me if this blog appears to be a rant, because in a sense it is. But more than a rant, I hope that it comes off as a warning for all those out there who are trying to walk the line between right and wrong, between good and evil, but more to the point, between heaven and hell.

            Where to begin is the hard part. So I will just try my best to get into it and hope it makes sense. In the last month, I have seen several things happen within friends and family that I never imagined would ever take place. First out of nowhere, my father-in-law comes and tell me that he has been having some issues swallowing and thinks maybe he needs to get it checked, to which I agreed with. Now, for those of you who don’t know , my Dad passed away 9 years ago this October from Lung Cancer, and then in October of 2012, we lost my sister to an undetermined illness, which I still feel may have been a form of cancer, one which I am now believing may have been esophageal cancer. So when he came back from having all these test and they discovered it to be Esophageal Cancer, my heart just fell. I know what it is like to have family go through this and that is the last thing I wanted him, my mother-in-law, brother-in-law, or my wife to have to go through. Doctors are very optimistic they caught it early and that is a good thing, so we are believing in healing by our Lord and complete remission after treatment. You see David, my father-in-law,  is a tough individual, I mean he’s having 5 days a week of radiation treatments, and adding one day a week of Chemo on top of that, and still working full time second shift at the boiler plant at Umstead Hospital in Butner.

          Then just as that is sinking in for all of us, good friends of mine and Angie, who we haven’t seen in a bit, separate. Now this couple separating was a big blow to us. Why should their separation affect us so much you say, well let me tell you. This couple hold special spots in our hearts for various reasons. This is one of those couples that you would have never thought in a million years would ever have a problem that would go to this magnitude. They were the epitome of a Christian marriage and family. She was there for my wife when she needed help in dealing with a fear of having friends and getting close to any person for fear of being hurt. She sat, along with another friend of my wife, and cried and prayed and consoled, not just once, but on several occasions. She would call or text my wife to see how she was doing during this time and helped her to break out of a shell more so than she ever had. The gentleman, well, he was a mentor in the ministry. One who even though we didn’t agree on everything or ways of doing things, I felt like he was the closest thing to a brother, other than my Bother-in-law, I had ever had. These folks were the first ones we called when our daughter was attacked on a zoo trip, to ask for prayer. When my sister was put in the hospital after she aspirated and had to be brought back via CPR, they were the first contacts we made when we learned she was gone and going to be taken off life support. Then When I had my wreck in 2013, as soon as I contacted my wife, from the crash site, they were the first phone call I made from the crash site, and my wife called them immediately after her and I hung up. I taught their oldest children in Youth, and their children have even spent the night at our house. We have dined together, cried together, and done life together on so many occasions, that the news of their separation, regardless of the reason, went to the inner core of me and has really tore me up.

                                     But my grieving is only part of the story. You see I look around at the situation in the world today and I think, where will it all end? I also think what is going to become of us. This country that I love and that my grandfather, my father, myself, and my son have fought for has basically become a nation that I don’t know. Now I am sure many of you out there can relate to that feeling. I mean, it used to be that patriotism ran high in the US, but today patriotism is looked upon by the majority as sappy emotion, and that it has no place in our society. I see people burning flags, Veterans being left out in the cold while illegal immigrants are housed, fed, and cared for by our government, as if we owe them that. There are 20 year veterans out there living on the streets because society has decided they are second hand citizens, yet we continue to send money to rebuild other countries because we say we cant stand to see their people in poverty. I see people who have worked for 40 years, not being able to afford groceries to eat because their retirement is not enough because of the rise in prices of everything from Gas, groceries and health care have risen at a rate unsurpassed in history.

                        There are folks out there that say it’s wrong to have any opinion that isn’t in agreement with theirs, especially if you are a Christian.  You see the Radicals have come to be the voice in America, rather than the occasional outburst. Only in America, where we have more freedom than any other nation in the world supposedly, is it wrong for a baker to say that I, in my own business that I built from the ground up, with no help from my government or any other government funded agency,  will not bake a cake for a gay wedding because it goes against what I believe to be morally wrong based on my beliefs in the word of God. Only in America can a photographer be taken to court because they refused to take photo’s at a gay wedding because of their Christian Beliefs, and lose because their beliefs are offensive to someone else, based on their beliefs. I was told the other day that the day is coming, and I firmly believe this as well, when I will be told that if I do not perform wedding ceremonies for gay individuals, that I will be held in contempt of court and charged with criminal activity. I believe that before long in this country Christians will face the same persecution that other Christians have faced around the world ever since the death of Christ.

                  And then there is the situations of the world as well. If you look right now at the world as a whole, you will see there are more wars, and armed conflicts, as well as other areas that are smoldering, just waiting for the wind of conflict to blow a little harder so they can erupt into an inferno, than there has ever been. A few examples would be the situations in Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Israel, Egypt, Nigeria and the fight against Boko Haram, Sudan, Mozambique, Mexico and the Drug Cartel Wars, and a big one of interest to me, the situation in Iraq with the terrorist group ISIS threatening all Christians in the area. But what really gets me is how many people truly have no idea what is going on in the world. For instance, how many of you reading this knew that just this past week that the group ISIS that has taken over the Iraqi city of Mosul, in the Nineveh region, told every Christian in the area, to either convert to Islam, pay a religious tax in Gold and no longer show their worship, or be put to death by the sword? If my numbers aren’t off I read that over 60,000 fled the city with nothing more than the clothes on their back. Did you also know that this group also blew up a church in the area that held the tomb of Jonah? How many of us have prayed for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are facing persecution in this region. And folks don’t think it is just over in other countries, it is also happening right here in America, as I mentioned earlier about the baker and the photographer.

                  You see brothers and sisters I have had a lot on my mind and have been wanting to get this off my chest for weeks, but was afraid of offending someone talking about it. But then I remembered that America was built on the voice of its citizens, and for the most part, I still have the freedom of speech. I also turned to my Bible and remembered that Gods word demands we speak out, not disrespectfully, but that we shine a light for the world to see. To those who are hurting in their souls from the collapse of a marriage whether it be from betrayal, secrecy, financial issues, physical or emotion abuse, or any other of a thousand reasons. We are to shine a light into the darkness of war and let that light guide the way for those who are breathing their last breath and have no idea who Jesus is. The destruction left behind when a war is over is immense, and people have to return to homes that are no longer there, or partially destroyed. Many return to nothing, if they are able to return at all. Those people need to see Jesus. Maybe we can’t physically go there, but spiritually we can. Our prayers travel anywhere in this world they need to, and the father hears those prayers, and answers in his will and his time. Our nation, which I love with every ounce of my being, deserves our prayers. Our leaders, regardless of who they are, deserve our prayers. Situations deserve our prayers. My hurting in my spirit, and hopefully yours after reading this, DEMANDS and DESERVES our prayers. For you see, every situation I have mentioned in this blog, is easily conquered when we pray and seek God.

           Matthew 24:6-14 (ESV) States “you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you dare not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are but the beginning of the birth pains. 9 “Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and put you to death, and you will be hated by all nations for my name's sake. 10 And then many will fall away1 and betray one another and hate one another. 11 And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray. 12 And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold. 13 But the one who endures to the end will be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” But I firmly believe that we as a Nation must head the words of 2 Chronicles 7:14 which say “ if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land. “ Especially if we are to “endure to the end.”

          I hope that this has made sense to all of you reading, and that I have not confused you. I have had so many different thoughts in my head the last month or so, and had so many emotions running through me that I may have been a little off track at times. My hope is this will help you to realize, that what is given, can be taken, and that nothing stays the same forever. Look to eternity for your answers by looking to the Father through the Son. Remember as I have had to remember the words of Christ in Matthew 11:28-30Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. God Bless you all and may the peace of God rest in your hearts.


In Christ’s Love,                       

     Rev. Bill Roy
All Scripture reference's are taken out of the ESV translation of God's Holy Word.

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